Danica Kragic Robotnyheter


Miljardsatsning på svensk AI-forskning - Linköpings universitet

Born: Rijeka, Croatia, 1971. Lives: Stockholm, Sweden­. Family: Husband and two children. Work: Professor at the School of Computer Science­ and Communication at the Royal Institute­ of Technology, KTH, Stockholm. Fashion: Kragic is featured in fashion designer­ Carin Rodebjer’s “Women­ who make a difference­” campaign. Danica Kragic's 32 research works with 12 citations and 572 reads, including: Herding by caging: a formation-based motion planning framework for guiding mobile agents NADA has not existed since 2005.

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Danica Kragic is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Communication at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. She received MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Rijeka, Croatia in 1995 and PhD in Computer Science from KTH in 2001. Danica Kragic is known worldwide for her research in robotics and computer vision and has received numerous awards for her work. Today she is Vice Director of Education at the School of Communication and Computer Science at KTH in charge of research, she is also the Director of the Centre for Autonomous Systems, CAS and a member of Sweden's Youth Academy. Danica Kragic Jensfelt är en av näringslivets mäktigaste kvinnor Publicerad 2018-03-13 När Veckans affärer förra veckan presenterade sin årliga lista över näringslivets mäktigaste kvinnor kammade Danica Kragic Jensfelt, professor i robotik, hem förstaplatsen i kategorin ”Techprofilerna”. Danica Kragic Jensfelt Prof. and Head of Division, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning, KTH, Co-PI of research project Robotic Matter, Digital Futures +46 8 790 67 29 csc.kth.se/~danik/ Redigera Wikidata Danica Kragić Jensfelt ( [dànitsa krágitɕ jɛnsfɛlt] ), född den 10 augusti 1971 i Rijeka i Jugoslavien (nuvarande Kroatien ), [ 5 ] är en svensk professor i datalogi vid Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan i Sverige.

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‎EY:s Pod for parity: Danica Kragic Jensfelt on Apple Podcasts

Born: Rijeka, Croatia, 1971. Lives: Stockholm, Sweden­.

Danica kragic kth

Danica Kragic – Arbetet

For national calls use area code 08. Danica Kragic获得了2007年IEEE机器人与自动化学会早期学术职业奖。 她主持了IEEERAS计算机和机器人视觉技术委员会,并担任IEEE RAS AdCom成员。 她于2012年获得了ERC启动资助。

Danica kragic kth

‪Professor of Computer Science, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology‬ - ‪‪Cited by 13,704‬‬ - ‪robotics‬ - ‪robot vision‬ - ‪robot learning‬ Danica Kragic is a Professor of Computer Science at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH pursuing research in robotics. She is the Director of the interdisciplinary Centre for Autonomous Systems. Danica received the 2007 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Early Academic Career Award.
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Danica kragic kth

About: Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Danica Kragić Jensfelt([dànitsa krágitɕ jɛnsfɛlt]), född den 10 augusti1971i Rijekai Jugoslavien(nuvarande Kroatien),är en svensk professor i datalogivid Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskapvid Kungliga tekniska högskolani Sverige. Hon förestår Centrum för autonoma systemvid skolan och forskar i datorseendeoch robotik. Danica Kragic is working on ethical robots that empower humans to do the things they are interested in or good at doing rather than replacing humans, as many fear. She envisions more automation in industrial settings to help with heavy, dirty and dangerous tasks.

Detta innebär att hon Danica Kragic Jensfelt tar plats i H&M:s styrelse!
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Danica Kragic gav H&M:s Stefan Persson tre minuter

Volker Kru¨ger Danica Kragic Computer Vision and Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Lab Active Perception Lab CIT, Aalborg University CSC-KTH Ballerup, Denmark Stockholm, Sweden January 5, 2007 Abstract This technical report summarizes the research efforts undertaken within the first report period of PACO. För Danica Kragic på KTH är robotar och AI förutsättningen för bättre vård, bättre utbildning och ett bättre samhälle. Helt enkelt för att robotar ger oss mer tid med andra människor. Men för att komma dit behöver robotar både lära sig diska och läsa manualer.

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WASP söker industridoktorander inom AI Chalmers

Danica Kragic is a Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. She holds MSc in Mechani ‪Professor of Computer Science, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology‬ - ‪‪Cited by 13,704‬‬ - ‪robotics‬ - ‪robot vision‬ - ‪robot learning‬ Danica KRAGIC | Cited by 9,727 | of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (KTH) | Read 339 publications | Contact Danica KRAGIC Previous Visitors and Cosupervised PhD students. Joao Carvalho, Co-supervised PhD Student, supervised by Danica Kragic ; Claire Liang, Visiting PhD Student 06/2019 - 08/2019, supervised by Ross Knepper, Cornell University ; Anastasiia Varava, PhD 2019, cosupervision, main supervisor: Danica Kragic Thesis: "Path-Connectivity of the Free Space: Caging and Path Existence", next: Postdoc at KTH 2016-09-01 (Danica Kragic) International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 75-86, June, 2004. [3] Robust Visual Servoing (Danica Kragic, Henrik I Christensen) International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 22, Number 10-11, pp 923-939, Oct-Nov 2003. [2] Visually guided manipulation tasks Michael C. Welle. Robotics and Representation Learning.